Free Girls Dance project
Free girls dance project delivered by Fk Dance Academy
Warm Herts at Hollier Court
Come along to meet up, conversation, laughter, entertainment, soup & refreshments! (Over 55s)
Christchurch Community Space - Welwyn Hatfield community spaces
Come as you are for a warm welcome and a listening ear. Free drinks and fruit available.
Coffee Morning at St Mary’s Welwyn Community Café - Welwyn Hatfield community spaces
Lots of people to chat to. Church is next to the village bus stop.
Mary and Isabel's Compassionate Cafe - Welwyn Hatfield community spaces
Partnership between Isabel Hospice and St Mary Magdalene. Cafe open to all serving simple refreshments - tea/coffee/biscuits/cake.
Tony Stockwell – An Evening of Mediumship
The incredible Psychic Medium, Tony Stockwell.