Free parking days in December to promote town centres
Free parking days to promote both Welwyn Garden City and Hatfield Town Centres were announced at the Full Council meeting held on Thursday 12 October.
Members heard that on Saturday 2 December, there will be free parking in Welwyn Garden City at Hunters Bridge, Campus East Lower, Campus West and Cherry Tree car parks. This coincides with small business Saturday, a nationwide campaign to promote independent and small retailers.
On Saturday 16 December, there will be free parking in Hatfield at Kennelwood Lane and The Common Multi-Storey Car Park. The Council has partnered with local businesses and will be handing out a limited number of adult and children's goodie-bags, alongside Christmas activities for children.
Councillor Lynn Chesterman OBE, Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Housing, said:
I am delighted to be able to announce this initiative to promote our town centres and the amazing businesses we have. We will be working with the Welwyn Garden City BID, and businesses in Hatfield, to ensure that the days are a success, and we hope that as many people as possible use the opportunity to discover everything that our town centres have to offer.
Further details of the arrangements will be published on the Council’s website, social media channels and in the car parks ahead of the free parking days taking place.