The Council's 2024-25 budget will be considered throughout January and February.

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This budget is set in a time of significant uncertainty with the cost of living crises, recently volatile and high levels of inflation and continued uncertainty around Government funding.

There are a number of fees and charges which are set out in statute, including fixed penalty notices, some licensing fees, some planning fees and environmental permits. Broadly these fees will remain the same as previous years. An exception to this are planning fees due to new legislation introduced. Generally this has increased planning fees by around 25%, with some increasing by 35%. 

Due to the high level of inflationary pressure that has been on the Council for the past two years, and in line with the Council’s fees and charges strategy, all fees and charges have been increased by 10%, unless there is a clear rationale for an alternative approach.

The draft budget will be considered by Cabinet on the 9 January and Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC) on 16 January 2024. 

Recommendations made by OSC and any changes will be presented to a Special Cabinet on 23 January 2024, in order to recommend the budget proposals to Full Council at its meeting on 5 February 2024. 

Full papers

Published: 3rd January 2024