Views sought on Community Infrastructure Levy for new developments

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WHBC has launched a new consultation seeking views on the proposed charges that developers should pay to support community facilities when planning permission is granted for for new development.

Known as the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), this consultation is an opportunity for residents and interested parties to make their views known on the Draft Charging Schedule which will set out the charge for developers per square metre of development. The consultation opened on Wednesday 10 January and closes on 21 February 2024.

CIL is a locally set charge on new development which the Council can choose to introduce. The levy is based on the size, type, and location of development within the borough and once set, is mandatory to pay and non-negotiable. The funds raised from CIL contribute towards delivering infrastructure to support new development within the local area.

CIL will also give developers and their agents a clearer understanding of the financial contributions they are expected to make towards the delivery of infrastructure, and it will give the Council a simple process for the collection of these contributions.

The Council is inviting comments on the Draft Charging Schedule in accordance with its Statement of Community Involvement and national guidance.

The CIL Draft Charging Schedule, the evidence base in support of it, and details of how to respond to the consultation are available to view online.

Copies of the consultation documents are also available to view at the Council offices (The Campus, Welwyn Garden City, AL8 6AE) and at libraries across the borough, during normal opening hours.

The documents can also be sought by contacting the Planning Policy Team by email at or by telephone on 01707 357000.

Once the consultation has ended, representations will be collated and the findings from the consultation will be made available to the public on the Council’s website in due course.  For CIL to be introduced, following the consultation the proposed rates must be considered by an independent examiner. Subject to the consultation, the Council is aiming to introduce CIL by the end of 2024.

Councillor Jane Quinton, Executive Member for Planning said:

“I welcome the launch of this important consultation. Mitigating the impacts of new development on community facilities is an important part of the planning process and I hope that residents and the development industry will engage with us as we develop our plans to implement the levy.”

Published: 12th January 2024