Garden waste service email from Access PaySuite

If you pay for the garden waste service by direct debit, you may have received a no-reply email from Access PaySuite regarding your next payment. Please ignore this email, as it was sent in error.
We assure you that no money will be taken from your account at this time, and we apologise for any confusion caused. You do not need to do anything at this time, and we will be in contact again to advise when your next direct debit payment for the garden waste service is due.
We understand that the information in the email indicated an increase in fee. The council is currently reviewing fees and charges for 2025-26, with a final decision to be made by Full Council on Monday, 3rd February. Find more information about the draft budget.
Due to the ongoing inflationary pressures and funding uncertainties, all proposed fees and charges have been reviewed in line with the Council's fees and charges strategy. We have tried to minimise increases as much as possible, whilst delivering a balanced budget. The income from the garden waste service helps to almost cover the overall cost of providing the service.
If you are worried about the cost of living, you may be eligible for support. More information can be found on our website.