Keep siblings together by fostering

Two sisters laughing at each other on a sofa

Foster Carers are urgently needed to stop brothers and sisters from living apart in care.

More than half of children in care in Hertfordshire belong to sibling groups and of those, 54 per cent live in different homes. While some are separated for personal reasons, for many it is because there are not enough carers with the space or time to foster siblings.

Hertfordshire County Council has launched the #KeepUsTogether campaign to show why it is important to keep siblings together in care and to highlight the urgent need for more foster carers. We have created a new short film – All Alone – to demonstrate how siblings can give each other comfort and support at a time of uncertainty. Watch here:

Foster carer Nicole (pictured) is currently looking after two sisters. She started looking after them when they were 11 and 12 years old, and they are still with her five years later.

She said:

“At my foster carer training, I heard a care leaver say they couldn’t find a foster carer that had enough space for her to stay with her siblings, and that just completely broke my heart. From that moment on, I decided I wanted to really concentrate on fostering siblings. I just wanted to give a family of children an opportunity to stay together and grow together and to have those shared memories.

“I can’t put into words what these girls have given us so it’s not just about what you can offer a sibling group, it’s about what they can give to you as well, you can’t put a value on that.”

Anyone considering fostering siblings must be confident enough to foster more than one child and be able to provide a spare room for each sibling. In some circumstances, same sex siblings can share a room.

You will receive specialised training and 24/7 local support every step of the way.

If you are interested in fostering, please contact Hertfordshire’s recruitment team on 0800 917 0925 or for more information, text FOSTERING to 62277 or visit their website.

Published: 15th May 2023