Welwyn Hatfield Local Plan Inspector to hold further consultation on modifications to the draft Local Plan

The Planning Inspector in charge of the Wel Hat Local Plan Examination is holding a further consultation on additional modifications, known as Further Main Modifications, to the emerging Local Plan.
The Planning Inspector, Melvyn Middleton, has written to the council to advise that he has instructed the council’s independent Programme Officer to carry out the consultation on his behalf.
The most recent consultation, held by the council on the Inspector’s behalf at the beginning of 2023, proposed a wide range of Main Modifications to the plan, which was originally submitted for examination in 2017. The new consultation will focus on a narrower range of items, following the Inspector’s consideration of representations made at the start of this year.
To provide continuity, the council has agreed that the Programme Officer can utilise the council’s online consultation platform used for previous consultations, with responses collated and sent to the Inspector.
Councillor Jane Quinton, Executive Member for Planning and Regeneration, said:
“We are aware of the Inspector’s intention to carry out a further consultation on a small number of points that have arisen this year. The need for additional consultation is a matter for the Inspector and on this occasion is not something that the council has been asked to do by him. We originally expected to receive the Inspector’s final report this month, but we understand that this will now be provided later in the summer.”
The consultation opens today, 12 June 2023, and closes on the 30 July 2023.
Alternatively, you can:
- send your response by email to the Programme Officer at welhatconsultationfmm@gmail.com
- or post your response to Louise St John Howe, Programme Officer, C/O: Planning Policy, Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council, The Campus, Welwyn Garden City, AL8 6AE.