Welwyn Hatfield Local Plan progresses to borough-wide consultation

Countryside view

People in Welwyn Hatfield will have their say on the latest proposed changes to the borough's emerging Local Plan - the blueprint for growth over the next 15 years.

The proposals, put forward by the Planning Inspector and known as the 'main modifications', will be consulted on following a series of meetings held over the last week, called in order to agree a response to the independent inspector's latest correspondence.

The Inspector's recommendations, approved last night at a meeting of full Council, is for the council to carry out a consultation based on a housing supply of 13,392 dwellings, with a ten year supply of 9,209 dwellings.

Results of the consultation would be considered by the Inspector as he prepares a final report on the plan that would be brought back to the council's cross-party Cabinet Planning and Parking Panel, Cabinet, and full Council in Summer 2023.

Cllr Stephen Boulton, the council's Executive Member for Planning and Resources, said: "I am pleased that Members have agreed to progress to a borough-wide consultation on the Inspector's main modifications.

We have been rigorous in our pursuit of a sound Local Plan, including writing to government and pushing back on the Inspector's requirement for a supply in excess of 15,000 dwellings. The proposal we will now consult on would provide a ten-year supply of a much lower figure, and would be an important step in ensuring the delivery of high-quality homes and infrastructure in the borough.

Carrying out the consultation does not prejudice a future decision of the Council on adopting the plan. That would take place when further details and certainty of the government's proposed changes to the planning system are known.

Published: 12th January 2023