Operation Brillo continues across the borough

Police in WGC

Our Safer Neighbourhood Team is increasing efforts to target anti-social behaviour in Welwyn Garden City and Hatfield this summer.

Due to the increase of ASB throughout the holidays, officers from our Safer Neighbourhood Team are carrying out patrols alongside Welwyn Hatfield police in both town centres throughout the summer months.

Known as Operation Brillo, the patrols aim to deter ASB, which can have a detrimental effect on residents and businesses. Our Safer Neighbourhood Team and the Police are handing out information to anyone behaving anti-socially as a preventative measure, and encouraging members of the public to speak to them about any issues they are experiencing.

ASB typically includes shouting, swearing, drinking in public places, intimidating, and threatening behaviour and nuisance crime. Find out more about how we deal with ASB and how to report it

Published: 23rd August 2023