
Litter picking
If you are interested in organising a litter pick, we can support you by providing bin bags, hi-vis jackets, and pickers. SImply speak to our contact centre who can arrange the equipment for you to collect.
Become a Tree Warden
Our Tree Wardens Scheme is part of a National Tree Warden scheme by the Tree Council. Our branch has been running since 2006 and we have approximately 60 Wardens who regularly help us monitor street and park trees in their neighbourhood.
By becoming a Tree Warden, not only will you get to help protect trees, but you will also be given opportunities to learn, socialise and visit tree-related sites!
Woodland and Nature Reserve
We offer opportunities to volunteer at our woodland and nature reserves. Popular volunteering tasks include coppicing, tree planting, scrub and grassland management, hedge laying and fencing. You can also volunteer to lead guided walks, help us survey important local wildlife species or be a Tree Warden.
Click on the links in our online directory to learn more
Residents Panel
Our Residents Panel have regular meetings, help us to improve our housing services and hold us to account. They look at performance data, complaints, comments and compliments, strategies and policies at their monthly meetings and use this information to hold us to account.
If you are a council housing tenant or leaseholder is interested in joining the panel contact us.
View the council housing resident involvement strategy
Youth Council
Welwyn Hatfield Youth Council gives young people who live or study in the borough the chance to have their say on the issues that matter to them and their friends. They work in partnership with many of the borough and county's youth services to make sure young people's voices are heard.
Our Museums
Sometimes there are opportunities to volunteer at our museums.
Other volunteering opportunities
Get in contact if you would like to find out about other volunteering opportunities.