Positive Pathways

Positive Pathways is a project, funded jointly by Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council and Services for Young People to help young people within the borough who are vulnerable and who may be:
- aged 11-19 and living or attending school/college in Welwyn Hatfield
- involved in or at risk of engaging in Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) within the community
- associating with people who are involved with ASB
- presenting challenging behaviour in the community
- struggling with personal or circumstantial issues associated with ASB including substance misuse or carrying a weapon*
The Positive Pathways Worker will engage with young people and their families to agree an action plan which will support them as individuals in choosing a positive path in life.
The Worker will identify their needs and discuss which local services can best support them, how they can access this support and work to remove potential barriers to accessing services and or diversionary activities and will support the family in achieving positive outcomes for their young person.
*Please note a referral may not be accepted if the young person is already on an order or working with another agency and in certain circumstance a referral may be signposted for support from another agency with permission from the referrer.
To make a referral
Complete the Positive Pathways Referral Form
and send it to us at positivepathways@welhat.gov.uk.
Should you have an urgent concern about a young person, or you are a young person being harmed, please contact Hertfordshire Safeguarding Children's Board on 0300 123 4043 or 999 in an emergency.