Hertfordshire Amphibian and Reptile Group (HertsARG) - Climate Hub
- Summary
- Hertfordshire Amphibian and Reptile Group (HertsARG) was established in 2011 to promote, conserve and study Hertfordshire's native populations of reptiles and amphibians.
- Image or logo
HertsARG was established in 2011, warmly welcoming new members ever since, whatever their level of knowledge or experience. The group contains several licensed great created newt workers and are happy to take questions and queries from the public on these and other species.
Over the coming months HertsARG hope there will be news of a number of interesting and valuable conservation and research projects.
Should you wish to become involved, or simply to be kept updated of progress, please email your contact details to davewillisbhs@yahoo.co.uk.
- Website
- https://groups.arguk.org/harg