Sustainable Supplementary Planning Document - Climate Hub
- Summary
- We have created a new Sustainable Supplementary Planning Document
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· The Sustainability Supplementary Planning Document has been written by the planning team, which was approved at CPPP on 17th October. It will go onto Cabinet on 5th November, and then out for public consultation for six weeks.
· It aims to provide additional information on sustainability expectations for development proposals within the borough and encourage higher standards for planning applications.
· The SPD is divided into different thematic areas such as water management, design, and sustainable travel and sets out three levels of measures that could be pursued;
o What proposals MUST do, as a minimum requirement stated in policy or legislation;
o What proposals SHOULD do, as something which is widely accepted as best practice; and
o What proposals COULD do, as something which is more aspirational and can be seen as an exemplary example of sustainability
· Efforts to go beyond policy, such as meeting the SHOULD and COULD, will be given a positive consideration during the planning application process. It is important to note however that this will be decided on a case-by-case basis by the decision maker.
Following the consultation and consideration of responses, it is intended to bring the SPD back to CPPP and Cabinet in the new year for adoption
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