I Picture This - Health and wellbeing
- I Picture This is a social enterprises that uses art to bring people together and improve wellbeing. We work with older people in Welwyn and Hatfield.
- Description
We produce art packs. Art packs provide something new to look at and talk about, and help isolated people connect with friends and family. Each pack contains three or four paintings, notes on ways to look at them, and ideas for discussion. Packs are sent to your home by post. A limited number of free art packs are available to older people living in Welwyn and Hatfield.
We also visit care settings, day centres and community groups. We provide opportunities for people to gather together, look at art and share ideas in a relaxed and informal way.
- Website
- https://ipicturethis.org.uk/
- Telephone
- 07816750845
- catherine@ipicturethis.org.uk
- https://www.facebook.com/IPictureThisUK/
- https://twitter.com/ipicturethisuk
24 Dellcott Close
Welwyn Garden City
United Kingdom