Tenant Satisfaction Measures Results

As your landlord, we want to know where we’re doing well and where we can do better.

To help us, the Regulator of Social Housing has introduced the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) which will show how all social housing providers in England are performing.

The Tenant Satisfaction Measures cover five themes:

  1. Keeping properties in good repair
  2. Maintaining building safety
  3. Respectful and helpful engagement
  4. Effective handling of complaints
  5. Responsible neighbourhood management


Overall satisfaction with services 60%

Keeping properties in good repair

  • Satisfaction with repairs 61%
  • Satisfaction with the time taken to complete most recent repair 56%
  • Satisfaction that the home is well-maintained 54%
  • Homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard 1%
  • Proportion of non-emergency responsive repairs completed within target timescale 93.93%
  • Proportion of emergency responsive repairs completed within target timescale 99.37%
pink tools graphic

Maintaining building safety

  • Satisfaction that the home is safe 60%
  • Gas Safety Checks 99.89%
  • Fire Safety Checks 100%
  • Asbestos Safey Checks 100%
  • Water Safety Checks 100%
  • Lift Safety Checks 100%
orange house graphic with a white tick in the centre of it

Respectful and helpful engagement

  • Satisfaction that the landlord keeps tenants informed about things that matter to them 53%
  • Satisfaction that the landlord listens to tenant views and acts upon them 42%
  • Agreement that the landlord treats tenants fairly and with respect 63%
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Effective handling of complaints

  • Satisfaction with the landlord’s approach to handling complaints* 26%

*this is the proportion of respondents who said they had made a complaint in the previous 12 months and are satisfied with our approach to complaints handling

  • Number of complaints received relative to the size of us as a landlord* - (Stage 1) 70.2
  • Number of complaints received relative to the size of us as a landlord* - (Stage 2) 8.3
  • Complaints responded to within the Complaint Handling Code timescales - (Stage 1) 54.6
  • Complaints responded to within the Complaint Handling Code timescales** - (Stage 2) 59.7
green speech bubble

Responsible neighbourhood management

  • Satisfaction that the landlord keeps communal areas clean and well maintained 47%
  • Satisfaction that the landlord makes a positive contribution to neighbourhoods 45%
  • Satisfaction with the landlord’s approach to handling anti-social behaviour 41%
  • Number of ASB cases relative to the size of us as a landlord* 28.2
  • Number of ASB cases that involve hate incidents relative to the size of us as a landlord* 0.3

* Number of complaints or ASB cases per 1,000 homes

** For response to Stage 2 complaints we were working to a stricter timescale than specified in the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code

What we will do

We know there’s room for improvement so some of the things we are going to do include:

Communal areas

We will review the cleaning and grounds maintenance arrangements, publish schedules on the website and communicate these with you


We will review our repairs performance and how we communicate this with you


We will provide refresher training for our housing staff as well as publish our complaints data and look at lessons learned.

Our approach to the TSM survey

There are strict requirements around how the Tenant Satisfaction Measures must be collected.

We worked with independent company ARP Research to gather your opinions on our housing services.

ARP Research randomly selected 2,890 households from across the borough to take part in the survey and received 805 responses of which 190 were postal completions and 615 online.

For more information see the summary of our approach to the TSM survey, which was sent to the Regulator of Social Housing, and our questionnaire.

Customer Service Survey

We also asked some additional questions around your experience when you contact our housing services.

View the survey results