This Girl Can

this girl can

This Girl Can, the Sport England campaign to get women and girls active, takes place in Welwyn Hatfield each year in June where local sports clubs, societies, schools and leisure providers get involved by organising a programme of female-friendly sessions. The week-long campaign aims to inspire women and girls to get active and have fun whilst doing so. 

This year, TGC will return to Welwyn Hatfield on 10 - 16 June. 

Free activity sessions

Lots of free sessions take place across the borough for women and girls of all ages throughout the week! From Kayaking to rugby to mother and daughter golf sessions, there's something for all girls and women to enjoy! Check out our event calendar to see what you can take part in.

Event calendar

Delivering activity sessions 

Are you a sports, dance or physical activity provider who would like to be part of the TGC week in Welwyn Hatfield? Fill out our form with the details of your activity and somebody will get in touch with you. 

You can also get in touch with your details by emailing

All clubs and organisations who deliver an activity will be entered into a prize draw* to win £250 for their club or organisation to purchase equipment or deliver women and girls sport and physical activity sessions.

*T&Cs apply